igia-platform / igia-docs
igia documentation / website repository
igia public website
TheThis project contains the source of
To run this website locally, please go to website subdirectory and issue the following commands:
yarn start
igia Docs Authoring
The ansible/roles/components/tasks/main.yml file contains the main ansible script. It will delete prior downloaded files then redownload from the project repository group.
The automation script will inject markdown headers into the README file to control the sidebar text and document display titles.
Component sidebar labels are set in the main.yml file in the vars section, otherwise the sidebar label will be the component repo name.
Ansible requires Python 2.7 or 3.5+, and is installed via pip on macOS.
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible
Other Ansible install options can be found at the ansible website
Execute the ansible playbook to rebuild component documentation from component git repositories.
Private Token: 12345689 <<== enter your private git token here
You may also create a .env file in the igia-docs root directory to set the git token permanently for your environment, and you will no longer be prompted. The .env file is ignored by git.
GIT_TOKEN="1234567890" # put github private access token here, must include API and repo access
Or you may simply set GIT_TOKEN environment variable in the shell prior to running update-content.sh
Building for production
To build a docker image for this website, use the following command:
docker-compose build
Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This website was created with Docusaurus.
License and Copyright
MPL 2.0 w/ HD
See LICENSE file.
© Persistent Systems, Inc.